
Registry: Generic: Internet Protocol Numbers

In the Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) RFC 791 there is a field
called "Protocol" to identify the next level protocol. This is an 8
bit field. In Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) RFC 8200, this field
is called the "Next Header" field.

References: RFC 5237, RFC 7045

Show assignments made by:

Value Defined by Name Description References
0 IANA HOPOPT IPv6 Hop-by-Hop Option RFC 8200
1 IANA ICMP Internet Control Message RFC 792
2 IANA IGMP Internet Group Management RFC 1112
3 IANA GGP Gateway-to-Gateway RFC 823
4 IANA IPv4 IPv4 encapsulation RFC 2003
5 IANA ST Stream RFC 1190, RFC 1819
6 IANA TCP Transmission Control RFC 793, RFC 9293
7 IANA CBT CBT Tony Ballardie
8 IANA EGP Exterior Gateway Protocol David Mills, RFC 888
9 IANA IGP any private interior gateway
(used by Cisco for their IGRP)
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
10 IANA BBN-RCC-MON BBN RCC Monitoring Steve Chipman
11 IANA NVP-II Network Voice Protocol Steve Casner, RFC 741
12 IANA PUP PUP Boggs, D., J. Shoch, E. Taft, and R. Metcalfe, "PUP: An Internetwork Architecture", XEROX Palo Alto Research Center, CSL-79-10, July 1979; also in IEEE Transactions on Communication, Volume COM-28, Number 4, April 1980., [XEROX]
13 IANA ARGUS (deprecated) ARGUS Robert W. Scheifler
14 IANA EMCON EMCON Bich Nguyen, <mystery contact>
15 IANA XNET Cross Net Debugger Jack Haverty, Haverty, J., "XNET Formats for Internet Protocol Version 4", IEN 158, October 1980.
16 IANA CHAOS Chaos J. Noel Chiappa
17 IANA UDP User Datagram Jon Postel, RFC 768
18 IANA MUX Multiplexing Jon Postel, Cohen, D. and J. Postel, "Multiplexing Protocol", IEN 90, USC/Information Sciences Institute, May 1979.
19 IANA DCN-MEAS DCN Measurement Subsystems David Mills
20 IANA HMP Host Monitoring Bob Hinden, RFC 869
21 IANA PRM Packet Radio Measurement Zaw-Sing Su
22 IANA XNS-IDP XEROX NS IDP "The Ethernet, A Local Area Network: Data Link Layer and Physical Layer Specification", AA-K759B-TK, Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA. Also as: "The Ethernet - A Local Area Network", Version 1.0, Digital Equipment Corporation, Intel Corporation, Xerox Corporation, September 1980. And: "The Ethernet, A Local Area Network: Data Link Layer and Physical Layer Specifications", Digital, Intel and Xerox, November 1982. And: XEROX, "The Ethernet, A Local Area Network: Data Link Layer and Physical Layer Specification", X3T51/80-50, Xerox Corporation, Stamford, CT., October 1980., [XEROX]
23 IANA TRUNK-1 Trunk-1 Barry Boehm
24 IANA TRUNK-2 Trunk-2 Barry Boehm
25 IANA LEAF-1 Leaf-1 Barry Boehm
26 IANA LEAF-2 Leaf-2 Barry Boehm
27 IANA RDP Reliable Data Protocol Bob Hinden, RFC 908
28 IANA IRTP Internet Reliable Transaction Trudy Miller, RFC 938
29 IANA ISO-TP4 ISO Transport Protocol Class 4 Robert Cole, RFC 905, <mystery contact>
30 IANA NETBLT Bulk Data Transfer Protocol David Clark, RFC 969
31 IANA MFE-NSP MFE Network Services Protocol Barry Howard, Shuttleworth, B., "A Documentary of MFENet, a National Computer Network", UCRL-52317, Lawrence Livermore Labs, Livermore, California, June 1977.
32 IANA MERIT-INP MERIT Internodal Protocol Hans-Werner Braun
33 IANA DCCP Datagram Congestion Control Protocol RFC 4340
34 IANA 3PC Third Party Connect Protocol Stuart A. Friedberg
35 IANA IDPR Inter-Domain Policy Routing Protocol Martha Steenstrup
36 IANA XTP XTP Greg Chesson
37 IANA DDP Datagram Delivery Protocol Wesley Craig
38 IANA IDPR-CMTP IDPR Control Message Transport Proto Martha Steenstrup
39 IANA TP++ TP++ Transport Protocol Dirk Fromhein
40 IANA IL IL Transport Protocol Dave Presotto
41 IANA IPv6 IPv6 encapsulation RFC 2473
42 IANA SDRP Source Demand Routing Protocol Deborah Estrin
43 IANA IPv6-Route Routing Header for IPv6 Steve Deering
44 IANA IPv6-Frag Fragment Header for IPv6 Steve Deering
45 IANA IDRP Inter-Domain Routing Protocol Sue Hares
46 IANA RSVP Reservation Protocol Bob Braden, RFC 2205, RFC 3209
47 IANA GRE Generic Routing Encapsulation Tony Li, RFC 2784
48 IANA DSR Dynamic Source Routing Protocol RFC 4728
49 IANA BNA BNA Gary Salamon
50 IANA ESP Encap Security Payload RFC 4303
51 IANA AH Authentication Header RFC 4302
52 IANA I-NLSP Integrated Net Layer Security TUBA K. Robert Glenn
53 IANA SWIPE (deprecated) IP with Encryption John Ioannidis
54 IANA NARP NBMA Address Resolution Protocol RFC 1735
55 IANA MOBILE IP Mobility Charlie Perkins
56 IANA TLSP Transport Layer Security Protocol
using Kryptonet key management
Christer Oberg
57 IANA SKIP SKIP Tom Markson
58 IANA IPv6-ICMP ICMP for IPv6 RFC 8200
59 IANA IPv6-NoNxt No Next Header for IPv6 RFC 8200
60 IANA IPv6-Opts Destination Options for IPv6 RFC 8200
61 IANA - any host internal protocol Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
62 IANA CFTP CFTP Harry Forsdick, Forsdick, H., "CFTP", Network Message, Bolt Beranek and Newman, January 1982.
63 IANA - any local network Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
64 IANA SAT-EXPAK SATNET and Backroom EXPAK Steven Blumenthal
65 IANA KRYPTOLAN Kryptolan Paul Liu
66 IANA RVD MIT Remote Virtual Disk Protocol Michael Greenwald
67 IANA IPPC Internet Pluribus Packet Core Steven Blumenthal
68 IANA - any distributed file system Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
69 IANA SAT-MON SATNET Monitoring Steven Blumenthal
70 IANA VISA VISA Protocol Gene Tsudik
71 IANA IPCV Internet Packet Core Utility Steven Blumenthal
72 IANA CPNX Computer Protocol Network Executive David Mittnacht
73 IANA CPHB Computer Protocol Heart Beat David Mittnacht
74 IANA WSN Wang Span Network Victor Dafoulas
75 IANA PVP Packet Video Protocol Steve Casner
76 IANA BR-SAT-MON Backroom SATNET Monitoring Steven Blumenthal
77 IANA SUN-ND SUN ND PROTOCOL-Temporary William Melohn
78 IANA WB-MON WIDEBAND Monitoring Steven Blumenthal
80 IANA ISO-IP ISO Internet Protocol Marshall T. Rose
81 IANA VMTP VMTP Dave Cheriton
84 IANA IPTM Internet Protocol Traffic Manager Jim Stevens
86 IANA DGP Dissimilar Gateway Protocol Mike Little, M/A-COM Government Systems, "Dissimilar Gateway Protocol Specification, Draft Version", Contract no. CS901145, November 16, 1987.
87 IANA TCF TCF Guillermo A. Loyola
89 IANA OSPFIGP OSPFIGP John Moy, RFC 1583, RFC 2328, RFC 5340
90 IANA Sprite-RPC Sprite RPC Protocol Bruce Willins, Welch, B., "The Sprite Remote Procedure Call System", Technical Report, UCB/Computer Science Dept., 86/302, University of California at Berkeley, June 1986.
91 IANA LARP Locus Address Resolution Protocol Brian Horn
92 IANA MTP Multicast Transport Protocol Susie Armstrong
93 IANA AX.25 AX.25 Frames Brian Kantor
94 IANA IPIP IP-within-IP Encapsulation Protocol John Ioannidis
95 IANA MICP (deprecated) Mobile Internetworking Control Pro. John Ioannidis
96 IANA SCC-SP Semaphore Communications Sec. Pro. Howard Hart
97 IANA ETHERIP Ethernet-within-IP Encapsulation RFC 3378
98 IANA ENCAP Encapsulation Header Robert Woodburn, RFC 1241
99 IANA - any private encryption scheme Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
101 IANA IFMP Ipsilon Flow Management Protocol Bob Hinden, November 1995, 1997.
102 IANA PNNI PNNI over IP Ross Callon
103 IANA PIM Protocol Independent Multicast Dino Farinacci, RFC 7761
104 IANA ARIS ARIS Nancy Feldman
105 IANA SCPS SCPS Robert Durst
106 IANA QNX QNX Michael Hunter
107 IANA A/N Active Networks Bob Braden
108 IANA IPComp IP Payload Compression Protocol RFC 2393
109 IANA SNP Sitara Networks Protocol Manickam R. Sridhar
110 IANA Compaq-Peer Compaq Peer Protocol Victor Volpe
111 IANA IPX-in-IP IPX in IP CJ Lee
112 OpenBSD CARP Common Address Redundancy Protocol
112 IANA VRRP Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol RFC 5798
113 IANA PGM PGM Reliable Transport Protocol Tony Speakman
114 IANA - any 0-hop protocol Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
115 IANA L2TP Layer Two Tunneling Protocol Bernard Aboba, RFC 3931
116 IANA DDX D-II Data Exchange (DDX) John Worley
117 IANA IATP Interactive Agent Transfer Protocol John Murphy
118 IANA STP Schedule Transfer Protocol Jean-Michel Pittet
119 IANA SRP SpectraLink Radio Protocol Mark Hamilton
120 IANA UTI UTI Peter Lothberg
121 IANA SMP Simple Message Protocol Leif Ekblad
122 IANA SM (deprecated) Simple Multicast Protocol Jon Crowcroft
123 IANA PTP Performance Transparency Protocol Michael Welzl
124 IANA ISIS over IPv4 - Tony Przygienda
125 IANA FIRE - Criag Partridge
126 IANA CRTP Combat Radio Transport Protocol Robert Sautter
127 IANA CRUDP Combat Radio User Datagram Robert Sautter
128 IANA SSCOPMCE - Kurt Waber
129 IANA IPLT - [Hollbach]
130 IANA SPS Secure Packet Shield Bill McIntosh
131 IANA PIPE Private IP Encapsulation within IP Bernhard Petri
132 IANA SCTP Stream Control Transmission Protocol Randall R. Stewart
133 IANA FC Fibre Channel Murali Rajagopal, RFC 6172
135 IANA Mobility Header - RFC 6275
136 IANA UDPLite - RFC 3828
137 IANA MPLS-in-IP - RFC 4023
138 IANA manet MANET Protocols RFC 5498
139 IANA HIP Host Identity Protocol RFC 7401
140 IANA Shim6 Shim6 Protocol RFC 5533
141 IANA WESP Wrapped Encapsulating Security Payload RFC 5840
142 IANA ROHC Robust Header Compression RFC 5858
143 IANA Ethernet Ethernet RFC 8986
144 IANA AGGFRAG AGGFRAG encapsulation payload for ESP RFC 9347
253 IANA - Use for experimentation and testing RFC 3692
254 IANA - Use for experimentation and testing RFC 3692
255 IANA Reserved - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority